When setting up Informant clients to access OnPatrol (i.e. remote access to Informant), you'll need to know the public IP address of your OnPatrol Server. Use this guide to find your public IP address.

Before you begin

  • You need to have a static public IP address for use with OnPatrol. Contact your Internet Service Provider to request one if you don't have one already, or if you are unsure if you have one.


To find your public IP address:

  1. Log into the server where the OnPatrol Server is installed and running.
  2. Go to ifconfig.me/ip, which will display your public IP address.
  3. Copy the IP address displayed on the page (it will be the only text displayed and will be in the format X.X.X.X), which you can then use when setting up other clients to connect to OnPatrol.

Further reading